I was analysing an invoice from an IT company and I was told that the monthly cost of Support is £134.00 (per month plus VAT). I was also told they charge a call-out fee and hourly rate for going out to a site when they cannot resolve the problem remotely ...
The overall IT Support was actually more money than first appears. You may be thinking, Why? One word – software licences. And in particular, Microsoft 365 has a defined selling price. In this case, each licence priced by Microsoft on their website at £11/£13 (rounded) per user per month was loaded with an additional support fee of around £5.00 per user per month.
So, at 20 Microsoft 365 user licences, that added £100.00 per month to the £134.00 per month support! Therefore, the real cost of the support contract is £234.00 per month, excluding VAT. There was also a mismatch in Antivirus licences for the number of PCs/Laptops in use and a separate charge for email security.
This is because IT, unlike Telecoms (overseen by Ofcom), is not a regulated industry. Personally, I feel that misleading tactics give us all a bad name and we can all be tarnished with the same brush! Conversely, there are some great IT professionals. Being open, honest and transparent is the way I have always worked, even when, as in this case, I didn't gain that client as they decided to stick to who they knew;, but at least they understood the real cost of their contract.
Incidentally, I did a quick network check while I was there and discovered that the WiFi positioning was awful. One laptop was only picking up a transfer rate of 15 to 18Mbps, which needed to be investigated as there is a Leased Line on site and chances are this should be at least a 50 to 100Mbps circuit.
I highlighted the problem to the client and advised them to get this (and other) issues fixed as good quality connectivity from the network to the device is a fundamental part of IT in this day. The phone system also seemed to be a bespoke VoIP service, supplied by a different IT services company. Although the client has access to the portal, I was informed that this IT company had wanted £100+ to change the messages for the Christmas period.
I could go on and on, but I'm going to end there. Just call me for straightforward, open, honest and transparent pricing, and top-quality engineering expertise.
If you feel inspired to find out more then do call me on 07555 807700 or leave a comment below and I'll be in touch as soon as I can.