The Importance Of Being Earnest

I still believe in the notion that 'people buy from people', however, we seem to be in a world where people are being pressured into buying technology for the fear that their business will fail or be left behind if they don't introduce the latest tech into their workspace ...

Aside from Cybersecurity products and services, the biggest and latest incentive for change is from the Telecoms industry. The looming Openreach 'big switch off' of the PSTN and ISDN networks is fast approaching. VoIP is in fashion in a forceable sense as on this occasion, we have no option, but to look at Internet Telephony.

"If you do not port your number to a VoIP provider by December 2025, you could face losing it!"

Please note though, that due to the 2 million or so legacy emergency call systems that rely solely on a single analogue line, Openreach are reviewing the way forward to switch off the entire network without affecting the vulnerable.

You and your business are now fully reliant on the experts and/or specialists for advice from the multitude of salespeople who will come knocking on your door due to this full-scale industry change.

When considering a VoIP vendor, here are some of the questions to ask:

- What resilience does the Hosted Telephony provider offer in terms of multi-point routing and do they have their own diversely routed internet connections to ensure your number is always on, even if one of their connections drop?

- Are the platforms UK-based? For example, is the software housed in UK data centres. You will be surprised as lots of systems use servers that are actually overseas and that may cause issues around data protection.

- How many support staff do they have? Now, more than ever, we need to look for people who value the importance of being earnest. Selling technology is an art form and the best salespeople should also know their technical stuff to ensure that whatever they implement is going to enhance your business, not hinder it.

I write this with all sincerity, and I have clients who have gone to alternate suppliers, dazzled by slick sales talk, fancy presentations and hardware, then suffered weeks of agony trying to implement the solutions that they have signed up to, only to be told by the technical engineer that in fact the system will NOT do what the salesperson said it will do.

"This is not a one-off incident!"

I hear this time and time again and it brings me great pain to see that someone in my trade, industry and profession has not done the honourable thing. Customers are very often signed into long service contracts and even longer lease agreements (usually 7 years) for expensive equipment that they don't actually require to run the business.

I want your business to run smoothly; that's the whole idea of technology. It's more important than ever that technology professionals need to be upfront and straightforward when upgrading your business to an up-to-date system.

As far as VoIP/SIP technology is concerned, getting the right solution (when there are over 100 choices) means that the person selling/demonstrating to you, must, on all accounts be ethical and honest about their chosen product and ensure it fits your business requirements like a tailored silk glove.

If you feel inspired to find out more then do call me on 07555 807700 or leave a comment below and I'll be in touch as soon as I can.