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Downtime Vs Down Time

Is it even an option for you?


#Downtime #Down #Time #TechnologyProblemSolver #IT #Consultancy #Northampton #UK

In today's technological world, there is definitely an urgency to have all systems up and running 24 hours of the day, seven days a week and 365 days of the year. Downtime is simply not an option ...

Downtime Vs Down Time: Are we damaging ourselves in favour of our technology?

Downtime Vs Down Time: Are we damaging ourselves in favour of our technology?

copyright: andreypopov / 123rf

Our computer systems, our telephone systems and most of all, our mobile phones are increasingly critical to our lives. It seems that any hindrance to their operation causes us to go into a tailspin. A lot of people relate this to the potential financial loss that this could cause.

But what about your own health and wellbeing in a world that appears to be dictated by smart devices? What about your down-time? As much as I love technology, I fear that we forget that some things are just beyond human control and not even technology would solve the problem!

Just this week, a ship was stuck in the Suez Canal, and an estimated loss of £7bn per day has been estimated as the financial impact to the world economy, but nowhere did I read of the Captain and crew's welfare during this time.

Investigation into whether or not the ship drifted naturally under obscure weather conditions, if it was human error, or even a technical failure will be the next job at hand by launching an inquiry. The Captain and crew will come under much scrutiny over the next few months.

Our lives are consumed by putting monetary values on technical downtime, but rarely do we look at the human cost of not having our own personal down-time. This is time away from the working environment, away with our friends and family to allow our bodies a full recharge, just the same as when we plug in our phones every night to recharge the battery.

We often forget we need nutritional foods to help our bodies maintain the vitamins and minerals required to keep functioning at an optimal level. "It's ok" we muse, "My smartwatch is monitoring everything". But will we listen to its advice?

But what do we do with all that information processed through our smartwatches, connected to our smartphones, telling us if we have had a peaceful nights' sleep, monitoring our blood pressures and heart rate? We may glance at it, but do we utilise the information in a positive way and take some down-time as it may suggest? Or do we just stress about our systems telling us what we already know?

Do we concentrate on keeping all the other technology up and running to avoid the financial loss that this may cause, in favour of our own health? There really does have to be a balance in life and, as humans, we are trying to shift the non-essential tasks to machines, only to be constantly checking that the device is working correctly, because a human error may have been made in the coding in the first place; by a stressed and tired human being!

"So, today's thoughts are about the irony
of today's technological world!"

We humans are making super smart machines and then worry that they are getting so clever that they may take over completely. It's time to simply reflect on both downtime and down-time. Technology has saved millions of lives, though in the same breath, it has caused millions of lives to be damaged in some way or another, be it physically or mentally.

If you feel overwhelmed by technology and you cannot be without your smartphone, it may be time to seek professional advice and have some much needed down-time away from it.

Until next time ...


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#Downtime #Down #Time #TechnologyProblemSolver #IT #Consultancy #Northampton #UK

About Pritesh Ganatra ...


The word 'Technology' has too many connotations in today's world!

Where do we start? Simple terms like 'IT' and 'Telecoms'? or terms that appear NOT to have an actual meaning at all!, e.g. 'Internet of Things (IoT).

Technology also encompasses specialist products and services like 'Rugged' and 'Tough' android devices, Lone Worker Software, panic alarm devices, smart energy devices, low energy lighting, credit card terminal (PCI DSS) security, indoor/ outdoor Wi-Fi systems, Ultrafast Gigabit internet connectivity, access control systems, industrial IoT circuit controllers.

BTS UK can consult from simple solutions to the most complex, provide some of the products through a wholesale channel, bring together a multi-disciplined 'Task Force' to deliver and implement complete Technology 'projects'.

I am your technology problem solver and I look forward to helping you.


01604 926100

