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What Will Artificial Intelligence Bring To The Table?

There are lots of use cases to show the benefits of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to perform mundane and repetitive tasks ...


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About The Security Of Your Core Business Network

The roots of technology, especially in the telecommunications industry, go back to 1837 with the start of the morse-code telegraph ...

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What’s Your Back Up Strategy?

It was inevitable that one day I would be caught out on the very thing I always preach to my clients: data backup ...

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Fraud, Fraud, Fraud! What’s The Cost To Your Business?

Did you know that small and medium-sized enterprises account for 99.9% of the businesses in the UK?

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Riding The Crest Of The Wave - Part 1

It's November 1990 and I am a fresh-faced salesman working in the flagship Dixons store at the Clarendon Centre in Oxford ...

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The Importance Of Being Earnest

I believe that 'people buy from people', yet we seem to be in a world where people are pressured into buying technology ...

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Could Your Business Survive A Major Financial Loss? - Part 2

In the first blog post in this series, I said I would talk about human-based manipulation that can lead to massive financial losses ...

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What Is The Most Important Part Of Your Business Network?

The final words from my last blog post led me to determine a business network's commonest point of failure ...

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Could Your Business Survive A Major Financial Loss? - Part 1

We hear about incidents daily, so let me try to summarise some of how businesses have had major financial losses ....

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And This Is How Scams Start

Saturday night, rushing to try and finish off some paperwork and wanting to catch the last half hour of visiting time at the hospital ...

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What is Email Security?

Did you know that emails can be intercepted and the contents manipulated? Sounds frightening, doesn't it?


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Are We Moving Too Much Online?

I am sorry, I love technology and have done since I was a kid, but the Crowdstrike outage shouldn't cause chaos ...

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Riding The Crest of The Wave - Part 2

In 1997, the showrooms closed and I moved to the business call centre where the first dial-up disks were emerging ...

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Technology Vs Humans: Who Is Right Or Wrong? Part 2

Supercomputers have been around since the 50s and have assisted in historic moments such as sending man to the moon ...

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Technology Vs Humans: Who Is Right Or Wrong? Part 1

As I said in my last blog post, I have been an avid technology fan since my school days, but sometimes it may go too far ...

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What Is Mobile Device Management?

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a platform where you can list and manage almost any type of mobile phone ...

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Houston, We Have A Major Problem!

Let me start by saying that I love technology. I have sold consumer electronics since the early 1990s ...

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Cyber Attackers And Phoney Phone Calls

I have been reading with interest that it has been the turn of the mighty MGM Group to fall victim to hackers ...

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How Secure Are Your Business Networks?

The Colonial pipeline was recently subject to a ransomware attack by the Russian hacker group Darkside ...

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Technology Overload And Mental Health

In 1990, I was selling a different kind of technology and life was very much simpler for all of us ...

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Riding the Crest of the Wave - Part 3

And all of a sudden, we had Blackberry dominating the Global market. Their handsets are no longer with us ...